What people are saying…
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What we teach you absolutely works. It works for everyone. We guarantee it 100%. Thousands have learned the meditation, hundreds have completed the course and received the same benefits. Come on the free introductory call and you will be able to speak with others who have taken the course and can tell you their experiences.

“My meditations are incredible and my zest for life has returned. I feel truly blessed.”
Scott Cahoy, Costa Rica
“Thank you, it just doesn´t seem like enough after all you have done. You have removed my fears, gifted me with total confidence, brought peace into my life as well as my family, brought me closer to God and allowed me to become friends with one of the greatest people I have ever met or ever will meet. Thank you for everything. P.S I almost forgot, my bank account says thanks a whole bunch also.”
Jim Phillips
“Before the course, I felt I was already at a relatively high-level of awareness. I had put in many years of dedicated practice, seeking, and self-study to transform many, many things in my life. Since the course, I am significantly more expanded and light. I have a deeper and larger connection to Source. I can access bliss any time I choose. Thank you for your gift. I’m beyond buzzing. It’s intense but in a good and manageable way. With love and gratitude, Lex.”
Lex Sisney, CA
“No words can express my gratitude of the initiation you give to me. I feel being lifted every session, every day. It never stops surprising me. I am a new person experiencing a new outlook of life now. Certainly, my life has been becoming so easy and delightful now. Thanks a million & Best Wishes.”
Winnie Maa, NY
“I have never been happier in my entire life! This was the best investment I have ever made. I can meditate, feel bliss, and not just read about it in books, it’s my reality. I feel more in tune with the Divine and with life. I am more powerful, influential, peaceful, and can deal with the challenges of life with such greater ease! WoW! THANK YOU! I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
Pauline Doan, CA
“Okay, I touched it! Bliss was definitely present at the end of last night’s meditation. There’s truly no other word for it. Happiness isn’t quite it, “profound joy” is closer - even “euphoria” is a little light weight. Thank you - thank you - thank you! I’m so in love with God, I was laughing out loud with JOY while I drove to work this AM. Just overwhelmed with bliss…”
Thea Stephens, WA
“I have found all of this work to be filling a giant reservoir of love inside of me that I now know can be tapped any time I am feeling anything other than it. I have already begun using it in small ways in my everyday life and that is so exciting to me!”
Mike LeRay, CA

Now I am vibrating, especially in my heart area and feel focused and in flow with the energy around me as I continue on with my day. Thanks for your help in opening them both up… I honor you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! SAI (Steven and Pauline) have inspired me to be the best that I be, every day, all day. With love and harmony.”
Bethany St. Clair, Organizer & Designer, CA
“I am in total awe. I started this course cynical as a lawyer from New York, and from the very first session it has changed my life in ways that I could not even imagined before. I am happier and much more in touch with myself.”
Jim L., NY
“You are the high calibration buzz generating bomb baby!!!”
Matthew Ferry, Speaker & Coach, CA
“I can´t tell you how thankful I am to you for this amazing change. I have nothing but a feeling of bliss and happiness inside constantly. Things that used to get me upset or angry just slide off now. Things I used to be concerned about are not even a minor blip on the radar screen. FYI – on another note – Since being in your class this year, my income has increased by 5X what it was previously.”
Michael Chrobak, CA
“I feel my energy and vibe has gone way up in these past 3 months. When I meditate I feel this amazing high and immediately. Thank you for putting so much value into the course.” 🙂
Salma Shamy, NJ
“I feel a lift happening, like I am coming into a different place in my life. As the energy continues to shift I continue to be amazed. It feels so good; I am a totally new person. I am forever grateful.”
Beth G., Yoga Teacher, CA
“I have been meditating and practicing numerous spiritual courses, workshops and training, including Steve´s previous work, for over two decades, but have never experienced anything like this. This is the most powerful transformation I have ever experienced, and I am so much more connected, happy and at peace.”
Brian D., CPA and very busy guy, CA
“I love it. I didn´t realize you could experience this much bliss and peace.”
Kerrie D., Executive
“Each week more beauty unfolds within me and those around me, there’s a merging, an overflowing love that has no boundaries!”
Crystal K., Mother, IA

“It’s bringing more and more peace into my life. When my stuff comes up, I am getting through it a lot quicker. My emotions have been intense and instead of wallowing, I am riding the waves. This is such a gift that I am giving to myself. I appreciate you so.”
Sherry Blades, TN
“This is exactly what I always wanted. In the past I think fear and worry got in the way. Thanks for sharing your gift. I’ve been so excitied over the past 3 month’s awakening. Lately everything around me has come alive. The colors of the sky, trees, clouds etc. With tears in my eyes I am so excited.”
Richard Leavitt, CA
“My greatest benefit from the SRC was finding and trusting answers from within, and thereby freeing myself from obsessive worry.”
Louis Cangemi, CA
“I love you so much, you have made such a huge difference in my life. I feel so blessed that I found you. You are changing the world. I recently had a huge breakthrough in my consciousness, I feel like a different person…”
Pam Drinnon, TN
“The greatest benefit of taking the Self-Realization Course…For me it was making meditation a deeply rewarding experience that was scheduled first and last in the day, which has become a habit and has great rewards … centeredness, loving consciousness, balance, etc.”
Lane Lowry, CA
“It is simply amazing - I am totally swimming in the ocean of my
manifestations - thank you very much for all the shakti. I have achieved a substantial progress in all important areas of my life. I am becoming much more conscious in every day life. The right people and opportunities appear so often that amazement does not catch up.”
Ivan, WA

“I’ve had so many synchronistic moments since the beginning of the Course, that they are too many to mention. Life is sweeter, softer, less raggedy. I feel like I did when I was a kid. Now I am vibrating, especially in my heart area and feel focused and in flow with the energy around me as I continue on with my day. Thanks for your help in opening them both up.
“…since I re-joined the Thursday call my life rocks!!! Digging it deeply…”
Mikkel Bondesen, Producer, CA
“I am truly amazed at how deeply and conscious I can choose to take my mind through the meditation exercises I’ve experienced from your course. In meditation, I have traveled to places that I’ve never been. WOW!”
Ling Tseng, Realtor, CA
“The greatest benefit of taking the self-realization course was the bliss that I felt. I was taken to a new level of joy and it has definitely made a difference in my life. Thank you.”
Kim Yardlay, www.buzzen.us, OH
“I made real progress with my meditations and everything in my life improved quickly. I actually felt happy for the first time in a very long time…I am very grateful for your course and for your help. I can see that with consistent meditation that I can change my life.”
Michael Slater, Realtor, CA
“I could feel the Divine, a presence that was immediately in front of me, it was sublte, but much more strong than ever before.”
Lorie DeHimer, NY
“Thanks for being a great teacher for me. I am really happy in my life now. I finally can have peace with what I have now and desire for more. I feel this calmess of knowing and trusting the source that I didn’t have before.”
Li Wang, CA
“I’m recognizing more and more how conscious I am becoming. No mind is occurring for longer periods of time and during meditation it’s as if each breath is eliciting emotion. Wow. Not to mention my trading is becoming profitable at a level I have never experienced. Gracias.”
Cheers, R. Mason, UT
“Thanks again for yesterday’s experience it was definitely a great BUZZ and experience like no other I have ever had.”
Dinorah, CA

“Wow - if every morning’s meditation felt like this, you’d never want to go to bed!!”
Chris Stephens, WA
“I feel like I´m a clearer vehicle to serve and have greater clarity to see what´s needed and patience to serve, be present with my family, friends and patients, and just feeling so much more love.”
Robin Stone, CA
“You are one of my greatest life teachers and I can’t begin to thank you enough for changing my life with your teachings! I am LOVING this course and each week I get more and more out of it. I can’t express enough my gratitude for you and for being the teacher you are. Your very voice touches my soul and connects me deeper each time I hear you. The meditations are now the most important part of my day and they remind me of what life really is about. I now have a very different relationship with my children and they are learning and connecting to themselves which is a beautiful way to co create their lives. Your teachings have a ripple effect into the consciousness of entire families, communities and the world. You are a divine gift to all those you touch.”
Christina Banaga, CA
“Oh my God, I am getting to a place so much deeper than I have ever gone before. I could not even have imagined.”
Dr. Bob S., Psychologist and Meditation Teacher
“I feel so much more connected with God and myself, I get excited and blissful about life and feel so much more love and compassion; I almost didn´t take the course because I was so busy, but I am SO glad I did.”
Christine A., Marketing Executive
“Basically I feel more happiness and peace than in any time in my life.”
Dr. Kurt E., Transpersonal Psychologist and Meditation Teacher
“WOW!!! I am loving life!!! I can’t help but notice how beautiful everyone is!!! I just want to hug everyone I come into contact with. I’m less judgemental. I’m calmer. I’m focusing more easily. I’m communicating more powerfully. I’m speaking my truth more easily. I’m attracting people with no effort. I’m waking up more easily. I am sleeping more soundly.”
Dana E., Realtor

“The greatest benefit from taking the Self Realization Course was that i felt happy, really happy.”
Jesse Conder, CA
“The Course has helped me to over come almost all of my fears I had, and have greater peace.”
Jocelyn Kyriss
“I am connecting ever deeper and am gaining insights and receiving clear guidance almost daily.”
Paula Devilbiss, VA
“I felt a lot of love. I can definitely feel a shift in my heart and mind. I am becoming more and more aware.”
James Wadkins, IN
“There are no words to describe the love and hope you have brought to my life. This is everything that I have been looking for and hope that I can be of help to you and as I share the ideas and mesage of love with others I am growing more and more. It just keeps getting better and it is a win win for everyone involved.”
Lorie DeHimer, NY
“Yesterday, listening to your readings on the call, I had one of my most extraordinary meditations ever. Your words were so beautiful; they touched me very deeply. After the call I got totally carried away …. !!!!”
Jan Johansen, CA

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